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Welcome to the Research Group of Professor Mike Hannon |
University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Universitat de Barcelona, Spain;
The University of Bergen, Norway;
Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Brno, Czech Republic;
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden;
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Barcelona, Spain.
Mike Hannon (Birmingham)
Network Senior Scientists
Mike Hannon (Birmingham) |
Alison Rodger (Warwick) |
Per Lincoln (Chalmers) |
Bengt Nordén (Chalmers) |
Virtudes Moreno (Barcelona) |
Anna Grandas (Barcelona) |
Einar Sletten (Bergen) |
Victor Brabec (Brno) |
Miquel Coll (CSIC)
Enrique Pedroso (Barcelona)
Maria-Jose Prieto (Barcelona)
Network postdoctoral fellows |
Former Network postdoctoral fellows |
David Bardelang (Birmingham) Dusan Drahanovsky(Birmingham) Katya Ryabova (Birmingham) Philip Webber(Bergen) Roeland Boer (CSIC) Miquel Orteta (Chalmers) David Amantia (Barcelona) Anna Hotze (Birmingham) |
Jessica MCA Kerchoffs (Warwick) Leonardo Cerasino (Bergen) Aneta Oleksy (CSIC) Viktor Viglasky (Brno) Yolanda Parajo (Chalmers) Carsten Uerpmann (Barcelona)
Network research
Our goal is to use metallo-supramolecular cylinders for the non-covalent recognition of the major groove of DNA. We are investigating the DNA binding of these cylindrical units of such cylinders and probing the remarkable structural effects induced with the goal of deliberately achieving such effects in a sequence-specific fashion.
Representative publications
Molecular recognition of a three-way DNA junction by a metallo-supramolecular helicate
A. Oleksy, A.G. Blanco, R. Boer, I. Uson, J. Aymami, A. Rodger, M.J. Hannon and Miquel Coll, Angew. Chem., Intl. Ed., 2006, 45, 1227-1231
Design and DNA binding of an extended triple-stranded metallo-supramolecular cylinder.
C. Uerpmann, J. Malina, M. Pascu, G.J. Clarkson, V. Moreno, A. Rodger, A. Grandas and M.J. Hannon, Chem., Eur. J., 2005, 11, 1750-6
Groovy DNA recognition; new agents for gene regulation?
M.J. Hannon and A. Rodger, Pharmaceutical Visions, 2002, Autumn issue, 14-16.
Intramolecular DNA coiling mediated by metallo-supramolecular cylinders: differential binding of P and M helical enantiomers.
I. Meistermann, V. Moreno, M.J. Prieto, E. Moldrheim, E. Sletten, S. Khalid, P.M. Rodger, J.C. Peberdy, C.J. Isaac, A. Rodger and M.J. Hannon, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA., 2002, 99, 5069-5074.
Interaction between a DNA oligonucleotide and dinuclear iron(II) supramolecular cylinder; A NMR and molecular dynamics study.
E. Molderheim, I. Meistermann, A. Rodger, M.J. Hannon and E. Sletten, J. Biol. Inorg. Chem., 2002, 7, 770-780.
Intramolecular DNA coiling mediated by a metallo supramolecular cylinder.
M.J. Hannon, V. Moreno, M.J. Prieto, E. Molderheim, E. Sletten, I. Meistermann, C.J. Isaac, K.J. Sanders and A. Rodger, Angew. Chem., Intl. Ed., 2001, 40, 879-884.
MARCY network meeting 1: December 2002, Barcelona
MARCY synthesis sub-group meeting June 2003 at Warwick (Warwick, Chalmers, Barcelona)
Jemma Penerdy, Per Lincoln, Arnaud Lavalette, Floriana Tuna, Laura Childs, Jackie Hamblin, Anna Grandas (photographer Carsten Uerpmann!)
Jackie Hamblin, Anna Grandas, Mike Hannon, Jessica Kerchoffs, Jarek Malina (photographer Carsten Uerpmann!)