Cosimo Ducani












+ 44 121 41 48068



Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher

Date joined group


19th January 2009

Research interest


Study of interaction of metal compound with DNA and enzymes.  Synthesis and characterization of new platinum drug.


- July 2004: Degree in Biotechnologies. University of Salento (Lecce, Italy).

-October 2006: Master degree in Biotechnological Sciences (Lecce, Italy).Thesis dissertation title: Possible involvement of free nucleotide in the mechanism of action of cisplatin.

January 2006: PhD in Applied Synthetic and Enzymatic Chemistry. University of Bari. (Bari, Italy)




- XXXVI Scientific Meeting of the Inorganic  Division of the Italian Chemistry Society (SCI). Lecce 1-5 September (O40):

Benedetti Michele, Ducani Cosimo, Migoni Danilo, Antonucci Daniela, Vecchio Vita M., Romano Alessandro, Verri Tiziano, Fanizzi Francesco P. (2008) Possible incorporation in DNA of free N7-platinated guanines by DNA polymerases.

-Bioinorganic National School for PhD student. Napoli, Italy 14-16 September (04):

Benedetti, Michele; Ducani, Cosimo; Migoni, Danilo; Antonucci, Daniela; Vecchio, Vita M.; Ciccarese, Antonella; Romano, Alessandro; Verri, Tiziano; Ciccarella, Giuseppe; Fanizzi, Francesco P. (2008) Possible incorporation in DNA of free N7-platinated guanines by DNA polymerases.



- BENEDETTI M, DUCANI C., MIGONI D, ANTONUCCI D, VECCHIO V. M, ROMANO A, VERRI T, FANIZZI F. P (2009). Possible Incorporation of Free N7 -Platinated Guanines in DNA by DNA Polymerases, Relevance for the Cisplatin Mechanism of Action. In: BONETTI A.; LEONE R.; MUGGIA F. M.; HOWELL S. B.. Platinum and Other Heavy Metal Compounds in Cancer Chemotherapy. p. 125-132, ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-60327-458-6, doi: 10.1007/978-1-60327-459-3_17


- BENEDETTI M, DUCANI C., MIGONI D, ANTONUCCI D, VECCHIO V.M, CICCARESE A, ROMANO A, VERRI T, CICCARELLA G. AND FANIZZI F.P (2008). Experimental evidence that a DNA polymerase can incorporate N7-platinated guanines to give a platinated DNA. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE. INTERNATIONAL EDITION; p. 507-510, ISSN: 1433-7851 


